I just entered my 26th week of pregnancy, and I am in FULL blown nesting mode! I was expecting to be more relaxed this time around.. but I can’t help but think, “2 babies will be harder than 1!” And maybe I’ll be wrong. I’m anticipating the newborn days to be slightly easier because I know exactly what to expect vs entering the unknown. I just know that I want to get as much done so that I can take it really easy for this baby postpartum and soak up those sweet fleeting newborn days! Here’s how I’m prepping for baby number 2!

Organizing Baby Clothes
A couple months back, I grabbed all of Sage’s baby clothes bins and started sorting. While prepping for baby number 2, I pulled out every piece that is gender neutral since we aren’t finding out what gender this baby is. I am SO fully convinced that we are having a boy! If we have a girl, I will be shocked!! Then I sorted all of the girl clothes by size, labeled the bins, and donated some extras. This way, it will be super easy to locate each size as babe grows. Sagey girl had quite the wardrobe (we can thank her nana for that and the sales that Gap kids has, ha!) so IF it is a girl, she’ll be set with sissy’s hand-me-downs. We’ll have to adjust a few things just because Sage was born in May and this babe will be born in September, but Sage was sooo teeny, she was in preemie for a bit then newborn for most of the summer. So some of the clothes align in size perfectly, given if this babe is average size.

If we are having a boy, I went ahead and picked out some of his first clothes from Caden Lane! I can’t wait to take this babe’s arrival photo in another one of their sweet little gowns. The softest, most precious pieces for infants, kids, + even mom! They gave me a discount code for you to get 20% off of your order: CHELSEAD20
Baby Gear
Next up, I’ll start to tackle baby gear! I did so much research on baby gear items before Sage, (literally watched tutorial videos for hours) so we are pretty set with all of this: highchair, stroller, carseat, play mats, walker, baby carrier, etc. Sage sleeps with us, so we will need to purchase a bedside bassinet for baby, and a new changing pad because I wasn’t in love with our first one. We purposely purchased a stroller that will grow with the family (this one), and already have an infant carseat since Sage is in her toddler one now (this one). Then we’ll eventually just need an extra toddler carseat! Babies DO NOT need a ton of stuff – we learned that during our first rodeo! Here are some of our favorites if you’re on the hunt!
Are you prepping for baby this summer? Check out my 5 must-haves for baby’s first summer!
For what will eventually be the baby’s room, we’ll be using the third bedroom, that is currently serving as a guest room / catch-all room for laundry and random items! I’ll do a blog post on that as we start to work on it (I’m just cleaning it out now for a blank slate!). I’m envisioning pretty neutrals, an IKEA closet, a daybed in case a guest does want to stay over (we already have one), and a little dresser. Once that room is good to go, we’ll move Sage’s baby items into that room! Thankfully the majority, if not all of Sage’s baby items, are in amazing condition, so I see us having to purchase very little in that category!

Decluttering & Purging
And now for the decluttering / purging! We just moved into this house a little over a year ago. We had a 30-day close, so we didn’t have a ton of time to purge as much as we wanted to / should have from our old house. Now, this mama is on a mission! If I haven’t thought about it in the last year, it’s gone, bye, see-ya, you’re free to be another person’s treasure. I just went into the basement last week and cleared out 3 full storage bins to donate / sell on facebook marketplace. Let me tell you… it feels SO SO good to purge! I’d hold onto things thinking, “one day I might use…” NOPE. It’s not gonna happen. Trust me. Let it go! Purging and decluttering helps to make my mind feel SO much clearer, too! We still have some more to do – like bins of my clothes, and the excess of toys strewn about! We’ll get there, happily!
Whew, even just typing that out made me feel… accomplished so far! Only a couple more weeks to go until 3rd trimester begins! How are you prepping for baby #2 to arrive?! Or even baby #3 or #4?? Share in the comments!